
How To Respond When A Girl Says You're So Sweet

A uncomplicated compliment can sometimes exist the perfect icebreaker, whether you're flirting with a crush or just trying to brand a new friend.

You're sweetness is a go-to compliment for many people, but it can sometimes fall flat.

If someone tells you that you lot're sweet, in that location'due south no need to be shy; there are plenty of ways to respond that will get out them wanting more.

You could playfully deflect the compliment past proverb something like, "Oh, I'm not likewise sweetness – you should try my coffee old."

Or you could lean into the flirty vibes past responding with a line like, "I bet you say that to all the girls."

Either fashion, a lighthearted and confident response is sure to charm whoever yous're talking to.

So adjacent fourth dimension someone pays you a compliment, don't be afraid to flirt back – information technology might merely atomic number 82 to a sweet new connectedness.

If you want to add together a piffling fleck of spice to your interactions, try one of these flirty responses the adjacent time someone tells you that you're sweetness:

Flirty Responses to "You're Sweet"


When someone pays you lot a compliment, information technology'due south always nice to experience appreciated. But sometimes, receiving a compliment can besides be a footling bit awkward.

If someone tells you that you're sweet, for example, you lot might not know how to respond.

Here are a few flirty responses to "you're sugariness" that will let the person know that you capeesh the compliment without feeling too bad-mannered:

  • Cheers! I try my best to be sweet.
  • I've been told that I'm pretty sweet, but I tin also be a little bit sour.
  • You're not so bad yourself.
  • Cheers, exercise you want a taste?
  • Oh, stop it! You're making me chroma.
  • Thank you! I hope you find me as sweet as I find yous.
  • I'chiliad glad you think I'm sweet, simply there's much more to me than that.
  • Oh, stop information technology… Say more than.
  • I know. I can't help it.
  • Thanks! You take excellent taste.
  • Hmm, I'll take that as a compliment.

Whatever you choose to say, brand certain that your response is genuine and respectful. Afterward all, being chosen sweetness is a compliment, and it should be treated as such.

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How to respond when a guy says you're sugariness


Information technology'south always nice to receive compliments from guys, particularly if it's from someone that you similar. But, how exercise you reply when a guy says, "you lot're sweet"?

First, take a step dorsum and analyze the situation. Was he being sincere, or was he trying to be funny? If yous can't tell, err on the side of caution and assume he was being sincere.

Assuming he was beingness sincere, there are a few ways you lot tin respond. One is to only say "cheers."

This shows that y'all capeesh the compliment, and information technology doesn't put any pressure on him to say anything further.

Another pick is to deflect the compliment back onto him by saying something similar, "You're pretty sweet yourself." This has the added benefit of making him experience adept most himself while still acknowledging the compliment he paid you.

Finally, if you lot're feeling bold, you could use the opportunity to flirt with him a bit by saying something like, "I bet you say that to all the girls."

This response shows that you're interested in him and implies that you recollect he's interested in you too.

How y'all answer when someone pays you a compliment is always up to you and will depend on the situation also as your own personality.

However, if a guy calls you "sweet," these are 3 possible responses that should help proceed the conversation going without putting likewise much pressure level on either of you lot.

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Concluding Thoughts

Hey, y'all're so sweetness!

What would you say if someone said it to you? Should y'all just laugh it off and say you're not interested? Tell them they're nice, but you're non the type of girl they're looking for?

Or how about a flirty comeback that shows you're eager to go to know them meliorate?

Whatever your reaction is, let us know! Go out a annotate with your best "you're sweet" response.

We can't wait to read them!


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